
Celebrating 33 at Disney’s Club 33

Well, I turned 33. That isn’t too exciting, but what is— is how we celebrated! We did the most cliche thing for a Disney fan to do and we paid a visit to Disney Club 33. I’m still in shock that it actually happened…

I know you’re wondering— How on Earth did our little family get a reservation for lunch at Club 33? Long story short, we ran into some friends at an eatery in town and somehow we got on the topic of loving all things Disney. After much back and forth, we discovered that they are Disney Club 33 members.

I don’t know much about what goes into a membership there, but they said to let them know if we ever wanted to check it out…and with my 33rd birthday coming up, I knew we had to make it happen, somehow! 

Well, I manifested a 33rd birthday at Disney Club 33 and it came true. The moral of the story is to have courage, be kind, learn patience— and good things will come your way.


Disney Club 33 is an unforgettable experience! It’s especially magical if you’re celebrating a birthday! The cast members are so kind and thoughtful. Every single one of them wished me a happy birthday! Plus, they gave me a card that all the cast members signed and a small little gift on our way out. 


The food was delicious. I tried their “Garden District Lemonade” mocktail that was fantastic. The dessert was mouthwatering and the vibe was so relaxing and peaceful. When we finished our lunch, we got a postcard to send to the members that invited us in for lunch to let them know about our magical time. 

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We also signed the guest book that will be a part of Disney history forever– pretty rad! We may never get to go back to Disney Club 33, but we are so grateful that we got to experience it for my 33rd birthday! 


Disney Club 33

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